Who We Are

Wozacom is a Proud Supplier of Quality Voice Solutions Since 2008. Every business needs a reliable phone system, whether a small and growing one or large established one.

Whether your business is established or just starting out, your voice system impacts significantly on both your external and internal stakeholders. Legacy analogue telephony is costly and limited in capabilities, diminishing the competitive advantage of your operation and offering poor value for money.
Since 2008, Wozacom (Pty) Ltd has been helping South African businesses to adopt modern Voice over IP (VoIP) systems, thereby reaping the subsequent benefits from doing so, such as up to 60% cost savings, improved reliability and many more useful features for example.
Why not take advantage of our FREE quotation offer and see what Wozacom can do for your business today. Contact us on 087 808 9700 or sales@wozacom.co.za.